He flew to Calgary yesterday (Thursday, Aug. 19) and is staying over until next Monday. Rocky Mountain Calvary Chapel in Calgary is having an outreach concert during their Sunday services with Dennis Agajanian. Dejan will be speaking for about 20 minutes near the end of the concert at each service to present the Gospel to the unsaved family and guests of people in the fellowship there. What a blessed open door!
Today he is at the church building and will be going to lunch with the brother who edits the church's radio program. He will also try to get in touch with our contact in Edmonton whom we met in February during our visit, to see if they can meet sometime this weekend to fellowship and pray together.
Tomorrow, Dejan will be joining many of the staff as they do some landscaping work at the piece of land that the church owns. He will also prepare for Sunday morning.
We find this opportunity for Dejan to travel to Alberta a great encouragement. While we are raising support for our move it is a welcome foretaste of things to come!
If you will, PLEASE PRAY with us these next few days:
-for guidance, anointing and sensitivity to the Spirit
-for the drawing of souls to both services (by invitation of friends or curiosity)
-the Gospel to go out with power and to save, open, hearing hearts
-good fellowship with the saints in Calgary
-the ability to meet with people in Edmonton
Prayed and praying for you guys!