"Let the Nations Be Glad!" This was the theme this year for Calvary Chapel Missions Conference, which we attended 2 weeks ago. There were missionaries from far and wide, pastors and senders from missions-minded churches, and people like us who are missionaries preparing to go out on the field.
It was a blessing to meet and fellowship with everyone the Lord put in our paths. We were able to connect with peers who are serving in different countries, our friends who are serving in B.C. Canada, friends from Bible College days and new faces. We also spent a bit of time with the sister who Dejan works with for translation of Pastor Chuck Smith's sermons. We had an especially encouraging time of fellowship and prayer with one couple Julie has known for several years and who have been missionaries for as long as we've both been saved. We were truly blessed by the LORD and we hope we also were able to be a blessing to others.
There were specific encouragements from missionaries who are church-planting in places like Kyrgysztan and Nepal, to boldly share the gospel and preach and teach the Word of God, no matter the cultural bias. There were also general teachings and testimony on the Muslim world and Islam, a topic that keeps coming to us as we prepare for Edmonton, with its own significant Muslim population.
The calling of God is a clear thing for us, but it is still nice to be affirmed by others in that calling. For example, one couple from Arizona who are preparing to go to Africa said that the Canadians who winter in their area evidence a clear need for the LORD by their speech and actions. Another woman was glad to hear that there are now about 19 Calvary Chapel churches in Canada, since she has prayed for Canada for years, along with missions worldwide.
We're thankful that the LORD opened up the way for us to attend, even with fierce spiritual warfare in travel and health. Overall, it was refreshing to be with other missionaries and missions-focused brothers and sisters.
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