Most of us have probably been in multiple elevators. When we visited Washington, D.C. a few years ago, our hosts took us to a grand hotel on the Delaware River that had glass elevators around their vestibule. Maybe you've even been in those elevators that have double sets of doors, so that when it's time to get out you exit on the opposite side from which you stepped in.
Elevators seem to fascinate us, even while they are hum-drum for the everyday high-rise office worker. They are particularly novel for children. No one expects to stay in an elevator for long, though.
Our best description for where we're at right now is " in God's elevator". It seems that when God is leading in a new direction, doors start opening that way to encourage us to pursue it. But at some point as we walk through them, doors start closing behind. It helps seal the commitment and prepare for that last open door. Kind of like an elevator. Once you're in, unless the doors close, you're not going to get anywhere.
Lately we have experienced some doors closing behind us, and though we still do not see the doors open before us to move out to Edmonton, we know for certain that God is working and moving us in that direction. It's exciting, really, and an indication that the time is getting quite close.
When things are aligned just right, the door will open of its own accord, with no forcing by us (and no risk of being caught dangerously between floors). God is lifting us up in His time, and we are glad to be in His control!
Praying for you both. God's timing is perfect.