Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sending Our "Spy" (July 25-30)

Before the children of Israel entered the promised land, they sent 12 spies to check things out and bring back a report. Yes, we've already all four of us been to Canada and to Edmonton and to Calgary to do this, but Dejan is going to go one last time before we move. And he is full of "Joshua and Caleb" confidence, so this isn't just a shot in the arm, but we believe it will be fruitful and encouraging nonetheless.

The vision for the visit from our pastor's perspective, is to freshly connect with our receiving church in Calgary and a few of the contacts we have in Edmonton. Dejan also hopes to check into some visa issues at the border and a few other logistical expenses for importing our car. So, he will hopefully be sharing this Sunday morning with the congregation at Rocky Mountain Calvary Chapel in Calgary, as well as making a day trip to Edmonton Friday or Saturday.

Please pray for Dejan's trip; he will be driving up Wednesday, July 25th and driving back July 30th. We praise God for providing for his expenses, and look forward to his return and report.


  1. Hi Julie! We will pray for Dejan this week, and remember him on Sunday. Can't wait to have you guys up here in Canada with us! Now to Him who is able...

  2. Thank you, Heather! And we have prayed for you as well. We are glad that you are okay!
