Saturday, May 27, 2023

I wonder what's going on with them?

If that thought has crossed your mind, or you have even wondered aloud, "What is going on with Dejan and Julie now? Where are they at?", this will provide some answers.

Last time we updated, we were in Pocatello, spending the month near Julie's parents and our sending church. At the beginning of January, we loaded up a small U-Haul trailer with winter clothes and gear, some house and kitchen supplies and some odds and ends, and moved our family tentatively to northwest Montana. Dejan was invited to join the staff at another of our sending churches, Calvary Chapel Flathead Valley, and our family was offered to rent a vacation cabin from one of the church members over the winter months when it was vacant. We say we "tentatively" moved up here because this area is very popular as a tourist destination, but in recent years the population has swelled due to people moving in from out of state to enjoy the beauty, slower pace, and lower cost of living Montana offers. Because of that, though, the housing did not stay low cost; due to demand it skyrocketed, so we weren't sure if we could afford to live here permanently, or if there would be longer term housing available.

Over the winter months our famiy got involved in the congregation here, and when spring started coming on, we began searching for where to live, as our winter rental had a time limit. We were searching both for rentals and to buy, working with a realtor from the church and the prayers of lots of people as well. So many doors closed on us, but by God's grace, we were able to get into a house and began moving in last week.

Dejan is doing website work for the church here, filling in with teaching for the youth, men or the main services when needed and was asked to serve in the area of missions recently. This is a blessing, since we of course have a huge heart for missions, and if we can't be out on the mission field ourselves, then the next best thing is to be part of organizing short term trips and working with missionaries who are on the field. He is involved in planning one trip to Mexico next month and going along on a second trip to Mexico in October, when he will be teaching a 2-week block theology class at Calvary Chapel Bible College's campus in Ensenada.

The church in Edmonton has been persevering since we have been gone these nine months (already!). Two of our elders are sharing the teaching for Sundays and running the mid-week prayer meeting, but we are thankful we are also still able to be regularly involved. Dejan has continued to teach the Wednesday evening Bible study each week as well as the men's Bible study every other week. Julie has also carried on with teaching the monthly ladies' Bible study, and we have recorded songs for use in worship, since there is currently no one in attendance who can fill that role each week. We are so thankful to have these connections to the church we labored to plant. Some people have moved out to other congregations for various reasons, and that has given us mixed feelings, but overall, the church is being what it should be: a body of people who love and serve each other, pray for and with each other, and walk together through life. Please keep them in prayer, as there is a need for them to have a full-time pastor and worship leader as well as a more permanent leader for the children's church. In the mean time, we praise God to be able to serve them in the several ways that we are and have retained our status with Go! Ministries accordingly. Lord willing, Dejan will be able to take a trip to visit sometime over the summer months.

We appreciate the prayers and encouragement of everyone who has reached out to us over the past several months. It means alot to our family as the ups and downs of transition off the mission field into a totally new ministry and region have not been without tears, concerns and uncertainties. May the Lord bless you and keep you, and may you know His hand leading your life. We welcome visitors if anyone of you are wanting a Montana vacation!

By God's grace, Dejan and Julie <><

Prayer requests: -for our family, as we continue to adapt to living back in the U.S. -for our children, who miss their friends and life in Alberta, as they make new friends here -for Dejan as he is serving in familiar yet new capacities, his role on the pastoral staff at CCFV -for us, as we continue to minister to CC Edmonton -for the CC Edmonton, as they wait for a pastor, worship leader and children's church leader

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