Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Start where you are, and if you're new, start HERE

If you're new to keeping track of us, we're currently in the U.S., but we don't plan on staying here.

. . .We began our married life in Hungary 4 years ago at the school where we met, then we lived two years in northern Serbia in Dejan's hometown of Subotica. Over that period of time, Dejan served as the assistant pastor at his home church, oversaw the new men's ministry, played in an outreach-focused Christian hardcore band, and was in the early stages of translating Pastor Chuck's sermon series through the Bible. Julie studied Serbian and eventually began teaching/overseeing the women's ministry and a little bit of singing lessons for gals on the worship teams. Also during that period, Julie's health became more and more depleted until we discovered in 2007 that her immune system was overburdened and we started to work on recovery to the best of our ability. Then we took a wonderful vacation to the Croatian coast and came back to Subotica, when Julie's health seemed to take a nosedive. We later learned that a baby was on the way, and because of her declining health, we were advised on all sides to come to the States so Julie could get rest, the chance at better prenatal care and a healthy baby. . .

Fast-forward 19 months, to the present. Our daughter is already over 1 year old, healthy, and beautiful. Julie's health is much stronger and more stable. We are living in an apartment in Idaho, Dejan works part-time at the church here and on that same translation project. He received his resident "green" card earlier this spring (after 12 months of paperwork and waiting), and we are making plans for a return visit to Serbia in late August.

It's only a visit, though, which we didn't forsee when we left there in November '07. We're on the path to going to Edmonton, Alberta; Lord willing, next spring. But first we really need to see Dejan's mom and round up some gear we left in Serbia.

So this is our current starting point: in America, going to Serbia with the eventual plan to head north. More about it in coming posts. . .