Sunday, September 21, 2014

PRAYER REQUESTS - Personal & Ministry

Here is a list of the current needs we have as we are living and serving here in Edmonton. We are blessed and thankful to those of you who are serving with us by carrying us in prayer.


These are in addition to the general requests for our spiritual growth, our marriage, our safety and for God to use us here.

  • Our Visa Renewal: We were granted visas for 2 years when we moved here in November 2012, and we have submitted our applications for extension/renewal of our visas. We are hoping for a favorable and timely response.
  • Our Physical Health: It is rare for all of us to be ill or unwell, but we currently all are either run down/exhausted or ill, some more than others. We need restful sleep and healing.
  • Our Parenting: We are always in need of wisdom and guidance, but we feel a more keen need for it at the present, as our children are growing and the dynamics of our parenting must change and grow with them.


We are blessed to be serving alongside many of the people who attend the church weekly (more than half of them are involved in some way besides attendance). They help set up and clean up and participate in the service in a variety of ways. 

However, Jesus sent out His disciples by twos, and though we are a pair as a married couple, in our ministry duties we operate singly due to the nature of what we do, particularly on Sundays but also during the week. Our desire is for at least two other people to join us in the following capacities:

Partner/Worship Leader
  • Partner: Dejan is somewhat limited as to what situations he can minister by himself in preaching the Gospel because he goes out alone. Some scenarios are unsafe/unwise for him to approach alone and even just having a witness seems important, if the person didn't feel confident or comfortable in evangelism. Of course the need for on-the-spot prayer is always acute, and there are other practical things that need doing through the week.
  • Worship LeaderJulie is currently splitting her time during the service between leading worship and running the children's church. This takes someone from the church away from part of the worship time to care for the children and Dejan takes them the remainder, which prevents him from being in with everyone. 
*It would be ideal if another person could assume the music ministry and also be the partner for Dejan during the week.

Assistant in Children's Church/Home
  • Assistant in Children's Church: For accountability and practicality, we would be blessed to have a permanent helper in the children's church. On the accountability side, this means that no accusations can be brought against the church in regards to how we care for children who come through our doors. On the practicality side, this means that someone can take little ones to the bathroom without stopping the entire class, be an extra pair of helping hands during the art/response time, be able to help those who need extra attention or presence, etc.
  • Home Help: When we lived and served at the Bible College, there was an area of student ministry to the pastor's families which included several hours per week of in-house help for the pastor's wives. Most of it was practical home help which enabled the wives to devote more of their time to ministry, either to their children or to others, rather than feeling pressed by the ever-present needs of housekeeping with multiple young children. They also supplied the need for a sitter in certain cases. 
These needs are coverable by singles just as easily as by another married couple. Even if someone would only be able to come on a visitor visa for a short-term commitment of 6 months we would be greatly helped. We are managing without outside help and have been, but we are seeking God for these things and believe He has a plan that extends beyond our family for this church-plant. 

Thanks for taking the time to include us in your prayers over the coming weeks!

By grace always,
Dejan and Julie