Friday, March 22, 2013


     At the beginning of March, we were beginning to see some signs of the weather slowly warming to the coming spring. We even had a day of rainfall and significant thawing that left us with lake-sized puddles. But alas, winter is still here. In fact, yesterday's hovering snowstorm dumped over 12 inches on the city (in some places 15 and more). It looks more like Christmas is coming than Easter.

     This little-major storm caused some reflection. The snow was falling and falling (and falling) and the air was thick with huge flakes, and despite attempts to shovel and plow and brush off, everything was quickly completely covered in it. Everything. And no one was looking at anything much but the snow itself. It commanded the full attention of those who were out in it, and no small amount of attention from those who knew they would be in it at some point.

     God likens His clearing of our sin to the snow in Isaiah 1:18. His desire is to pour out His mercy and grace through Jesus so that everyone is completely covered. That all of our innate waywardness and sin is blanketed by His loving forgiveness. He longs that we live so completely in His grace that no one looking at us can see much else, because His grace is commanding the attention of those who are around us rather than our own personalities and failures. That even those who don't know Him but know that we do are given cause to think a bit about how the course of our interaction will be when we are together in their company.

     Paul wrote to the Corinthians, "God...always puts us on display in Christ, and spreads through us in every place the scent of knowing Him. For to God we are the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. to some we are a scent of death leading to death, but to others, a scent of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things? For we are not like the many who make a trade in God's message for profit, but as those with sincerity, we speak in Christ, as from God and before God." (2 Cor. 2:14-17)

     If you are praying for us, continue to keep in mind our personal safety as we travel about the city and for wisdom in how to connect with people given the weather challenges. But we also desire to be living fully in the grace of God so that when people are around us, that is the primary thing they notice: His grace. And further, that it would make them more open to God Himself.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Ways to Pray

We are beginning our fifth month here in Canada. It is amazing to us how simple availability to the LORD can become ministry for the LORD. And what a blessing to watch Him open doors for us to begin serving others here in Edmonton. 

Please pray for these things we are engaged in weekly:
  • Summerwood Village - Dejan is teaching a weekly Bible study in the gospel of Mark at this retirement community
  • Serbian Center - while our oldest has a language class, Dejan is engaging people in witnessing conversation
  • Home Bible Study - The adults are in John 13 and the children are still working through the parables of Jesus. There are two married couples and a single dad who come regularly. Last week another couple and a single brother came for the first time. So including us and our children there are 6-10 adults and 4 children meeting each week. We share communion the first service of each month.

Since the start of 2013 we have been mixing with the crowds at the city's festivals (we posted about it here). Edmonton is known as Canada's festival city, so we figure it's good to get to know the festivals by utilizing them as opportunity to witness the gospel. With such little ones and no partners, we must admit it is a challenge, but it is an enjoyable one.

Dejan is also on the street a day or two per week (well, really he's in the shops, but it's for the same purpose: evangelism). Please pray for open hearts and divine appointments in all our comings and goings (including festival outreach) and for fellow workers.

Please also pray for us as a family for rest, adjustment, safety, strength and growing love. These are our greatest needs at present.

If there is anything else that you are drawn to pray for us, please do! We are grateful for all the prayers on our behalf.

Alberta is currently known economically as the place to find work in Canada, but we also see a spiritual parallel, as Jesus said, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest" (Matt. 9:37-38).

By His grace,

Dejan and Julie <><