Edmonton is quite far north, close in latitude to Moscow, Russia, so the temps aren't anything to look forward to, or are they? Dejan doesn't do well in the heat and actually prefers colder weather. I used to think that summer was my second favorite season, after spring, but in the last several years the heat is really getting to me. Cold weather isn't bad as long as there's snow to cover the ugly bear, and Canada seems to have no issues in the white fluff department. But their summers seemed to not have warms temps; only high 60's and into the 70's in July?
This summer in Idaho the weather has been untypically cool, with lots of rain and temps that don't soar as they usually do, into the 90's and even low 100's. It's been more like 70's, and it has been so enjoyable. It's as if the Lord is giving us a preview of the Edmonton summer temps. And after it was very hot and humid this past weekend, a reminder of the central European heat we lived in for about 4 years, it's made me thankful.