First, since the Christmas season is upon us, we marvel anew at the thought that God took upon Himself our human likeness and came, not as a man, like the first Adam, but as a newborn baby: helpless, vulnerable and dependent. When we look at our sweet baby, we wonder how the shepherds, Simeon, Anna and others must have thought as they gazed upon the infant Jesus, and how Mary and Joseph felt as they cared for Him day and night in those early months.
Second, as we prepared for her arrival, and now care for our tiny daughter, the LORD has brought to mind how much is involved in the new birth of lives into His Son. As much work and joy as we found during labor and at her birth, and what we now invest in caring for Eva, we anticipate the time the LORD will allow us to witness new births of others spiritually and pouring the Word of God into their hearts in Edmonton.

Third, our daughter's name means "bringer of glad tidings [of] joy". That is our desire for her life as she grows, but it is of course our desire as well. We want to live lives that bring the Gospel to others, sharing the truths of God's Word that have set us free and brought us to this place in our lives where we are now, as He is sending us to Canada. "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!" (Romans 10:15).
It's amazing how much the LORD can use even a newborn baby to raise our thoughts to Him and things above. Whatever is going on in our lives, He is so faithful to speak into our lives and encourage us and excite us about the things of His kingdom!