Just last week we sent in Dejan's application for naturalization (U.S. citizenship), which he is eligible for in February 2012, and the same day we mailed it we learned that his employment will be ending December 15th. This came unexpectedly to us, but we have complete peace from God, and it is such an exciting time for us. So..... we are transitioning now to live from the support which we are raising to be in Canada.
We are also wondering, is our time here in the U.S. almost at an end? Or has the Lord brought us full circle in our time here because He is sending us out soon and very soon? We are eagerly waiting on Him. A funny thing is, we were recently praying that Dejan would again have more time for translation. God answers! Dejan will be working translation at home in the coming weeks, and Lord willing, the freedom from an office job will aid in the raising of the balance of our support.
Praising Him Who is working it all together for our good,
Dejan and Julie