Before the children of Israel entered the promised land, they sent 12 spies to check things out and bring back a report. Yes, we've already all four of us been to Canada and to Edmonton and to Calgary to do this, but Dejan is going to go one last time before we move. And he is full of "Joshua and Caleb" confidence, so this isn't just a shot in the arm, but we believe it will be fruitful and encouraging nonetheless.
The vision for the visit from our pastor's perspective, is to freshly connect with our receiving church in Calgary and a few of the contacts we have in Edmonton. Dejan also hopes to check into some visa issues at the border and a few other logistical expenses for importing our car. So, he will hopefully be sharing this Sunday morning with the congregation at Rocky Mountain Calvary Chapel in Calgary, as well as making a day trip to Edmonton Friday or Saturday.
Please pray for Dejan's trip; he will be driving up Wednesday, July 25th and driving back July 30th. We praise God for providing for his expenses, and look forward to his return and report.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Sunday, July 1, 2012
To all of our Canadian friends, we wish you a Happy Canada Day today! And to all of our American compatriots, we wish you an early Happy 4th of July! We are blessed indeed to reside in North America.
Dejan is making excellent progress in translation (see sidebar). We are already in the middle of our childbirth class and less than two months from meeting our newest family member. Add in an anniversary, a men's retreat, and Father's Day, and we find that June came and went much more quickly than May.
Looking Ahead
As the days and weeks start to roll into one another, we are now in the first stages of packing (and re-packing) and itemizing our household in preparation to move. Since we probably won't realistically be able to do the bulk of that with a newborn to care for, we figured we should get as much as possible done ahead of time. So... boxes and the shifting, sorting and winnowing of our belongings is now a part of at least one day of our weekly schedule.
As we prepare physically to re-locate, we are amazed at how the LORD has added to us over these past years since we moved to the U.S. We arrived here with no children, four checked bags and two carry-ons, one of which was our cat. There's no way we're going to be able to be that thin this time. Much like Abraham's possessions and his household increased as he sojourned, we have increased in number and goods as well. And the Canadian government would like to know each and every piece we intend to accompany us across the border and its value. Your prayers for us in this process are greatly appreciated.
Enjoy your early days of summer, whatever the LORD has for you, be it vacation, renovation, reunion or rest!
Dejan and Julie <><
To all of our Canadian friends, we wish you a Happy Canada Day today! And to all of our American compatriots, we wish you an early Happy 4th of July! We are blessed indeed to reside in North America.
Dejan is making excellent progress in translation (see sidebar). We are already in the middle of our childbirth class and less than two months from meeting our newest family member. Add in an anniversary, a men's retreat, and Father's Day, and we find that June came and went much more quickly than May.
Looking Ahead

As we prepare physically to re-locate, we are amazed at how the LORD has added to us over these past years since we moved to the U.S. We arrived here with no children, four checked bags and two carry-ons, one of which was our cat. There's no way we're going to be able to be that thin this time. Much like Abraham's possessions and his household increased as he sojourned, we have increased in number and goods as well. And the Canadian government would like to know each and every piece we intend to accompany us across the border and its value. Your prayers for us in this process are greatly appreciated.
Enjoy your early days of summer, whatever the LORD has for you, be it vacation, renovation, reunion or rest!
Dejan and Julie <><
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