Friday, August 24, 2012

The Big Life

As of this post, we are still packing, packing, packing! So far over 50 boxes have been totally itemized and labeled, but it still looks like we haven't done anything. And we are getting out many boxes per day, even while we are expecting Julie's labor to start. We are thankful to the Lord for allowing us this time to get more accomplished before our new addition arrives, as once that occurs, not much else is going to be going on for a little while.

As for Edmonton, we are busily preparing ourselves to get there both physically and spiritually, and yet, the city itself is obviously totally unaware and probably couldn't care less about the whole thing. Praise God for living for Him and not man's opinion! Jesus sent out the apostles to be His witnesses in all the world, preaching the Gospel and making disciples. Doing His agenda consumed them, and their lives were huge with purpose and fruitfulness.

One of our very good friends, a sister in Christ, described once how the Lord led her to see her life from His perspective. She was traveling home with a ministry team from a weekly Bible study and was looking out the window thinking about what she did in life. Just a job at a small shop, helping out at home, friends, and of course, attending every event at church available. But that didn't seem so significant to her. Then, as she was looking at the moon, it came to her: "If you think of your life in terms of you, yes, your life is quite small. Because you are small. But if, like the moon is going around the earth, you remember that your life revolves around ME, your life will be huge. Because I am great."

People come and go, pursuing their goals, jobs, hopes, even just striving to make life work so they can get through another day. It can all seem trivial, like Solomon's wise cry so clearly points out: "Vanity, vanity, all is vanity..." But in God's eyes, and for His children, His servants, we are living the big life.

Blessings in His Great Name,
Dejan and Julie <><

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Report

Downtown Edmonton in summer rains

Almost a 1900-mile weekend
     Dejan returned safely Monday night from his journey north to Calgary-Edmonton. The Lord blessed his time there, which was worth every mile of the long drive! It was a quick trip, even though it was a long one for our family both in body and spirit, and we are grateful that this opportunity was given to us. As the months of waiting has turned into a full-fledged season of active preparing, for Dejan to physically be in Canada for these several days proved to be very productive. 

Meeting a contact in Edmonton
     He was able to meet with several different people with Edmonton connections both in Calgary and on his day trip to Edmonton itself. There is a family moving from the church in Calgary to Edmonton this month, as well as two contacts we have met with on our previous visits as a family. The friend of Dejan's host in Calgary is also from Edmonton. Dejan had many opportunities through these meetings to discuss the city, and the need for a solid Bible-teaching church was both reiterated and underscored.

Couple moving from
the church in Calgary
     On Sunday morning, those of us who stayed behind with "the stuff" (Julie and the girls), were able to listen online to the service in Calgary and hear Dejan share again about our coming. It was a blessing to participate, even from 800 miles away. The church there has taken us on as missionaries, in addition to our own home church here in Idaho, and we are continually thankful for their backing. From the start, Rocky Mountain Calvary Chapel has been morally and logistically supportive of us coming, with welcome hearts and arms to help us get into Canada and get started.

     Lord willing, within the next 9 or 10 weeks, we will be able to go out to labor in this harvest field with the Word of God and for His purposes. It definitely seems that God Himself is the One who is extending the invitation, that He is receiving us with a welcome to this city of souls that He loves.