Hi there! We're quite busy so this will be short (you're probably pretty busy yourself).
We will be meeting tomorrow, Dec. 23, for our Christmas service and soup fellowship afterwards. Due to family Christmas visits, and being a small group, we will not be having a Christmas Eve service.
PLEASE PRAY FOR open hearts to God's Word and fellowship in His Spirit
We are trying to get into our local assisted living facility to visit for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day some of the residents who are separated from loved ones during this holiday.
PLEASE PRAY FOR open doors to go and to share the love of Jesus there
Dejan and one brother in the fellowship have been trying for a few weeks now to get together for discipleship, but each week his children keep getting sick the day before, and he works from home so he has been needed there to care for them.
PLEASE PRAY FOR health for their family and the ability to meet beginning this week
In the midst of this giant move, we have had much less time for investing in our marriage and family relationships, as much of our time has revolved around logistics and safety (keeping the girls out of things that are being unpacked or that aren't put up or nailed down yet). We are feeling close in new ways as we face new challenges together, but we miss each other, too.
PLEASE PRAY FOR a spiritually and emotionally healthy family and strong marriage
Thanks for your love and prayers! We wish you a truly blessed Christmas this week!
Because of Jesus,
Dejan and Julie