Saturday, August 31, 2013

Location, Location, Location!

This is such a memorable slogan for the real estate industry, and it encapsulates our most recent development. As of this Sunday, September 1, 2013, we will be gathering for our weekly Sunday afternoon worship services in a new location!

Upon our arrival in Edmonton last November, we began meeting for Sunday worship, Bible study and fellowship just east of the city in someone's home. Fast-forward six weeks and it moved to our own home in Edmonton proper, a somewhat central location.

We have enjoyed having everyone in the home setting, but we believe that the door has been opened to us to meet elsewhere. A nearby church is allowing us to use their building on a weekly basis, for the cost of insurance as a measure of Christian good will.

Dejan met with the pastor at St. Timothy's Anglican Church just after the team left a couple weeks ago, and after signing the insurance contract and paying the small fee, we now have building keys and a weekly meeting location!

We will be meeting in a small chapel which is just beside the main sanctuary and is accessible through its own set of double doors (pictured here). The children's worship space will be in the nursery which faces both chapel and sanctuary. There are no stairs to climb for those who may need assistance, and the walkway is also not terribly long for shovelling in winter. The building also has a kitchen and enclosed courtyard.

We are so thrilled to be given this opportunity to meet in an existing church building! From a practical, logistical standpoint, we don't need to buy, haul, store or set up chairs. (Hooray!) We don't need a sound system due to the acoustics. And as long as we don't meet in the evenings, our use of electricity will be minimal, as the entire building was constructed with skylight ceilings. It is also fairly close to where we live.

From a spiritual perspective, we hope that by being in the community there will be no barriers preventing any and all who will from coming out. We recognize that meeting in a home is more personal, but for many it is a setting that exceeds their comfort level. It also means we have practically unlimited room for growth (this was a particular concern for our space at home for the children).

Praise God for His gracious provision! We are trusting on His promise in Jesus that "I will build My church" (Matthew 16:18). It is a privilege to serve Him here in doing this!

Friday, August 9, 2013

In Their Own Words

The team left us last night after a blessed time of fellowship and prayer and talking over the events of the week. We were so boosted by their hard work this past week! Our words cannot adequately describe the varied experiences we shared as a group, so here is a summary of the outreach, in their own words.

"This week has been amazing! It was a great encouragement having friends sharing the Gospel along with us and showing us the way. When we were tired or feeling down the girls always managed to make us laugh. The trip was such a blessing and so much more than I ever expected!" ~Naomi

"This week has been a true blessing. We had trouble at first, but the Lord helped us through it. The Heritage Festival was great. I got to talk to the most people in my life. Even if we have trouble, the Lord will help us (Hebrew 13:6)." ~Spencer

"I grew a lot while on this trip. I had lots of love towards other people like strangers. I like to read about Moses in Exodus 4, how he thought he couldn't be used, but God really used us on this trip. Such a blessing to help Dejan and Julie plant a church." ~Nick

"It was a blessing to see every member of the team have a willing heart to be used by Jesus for the purpose of spreading His Gospel." ~Rick

 "Wonderful experience! Absolutely blessed to have been able to do the outreach at the festival! The Lord is going to do a mighty work!" ~Pastor Jeff

"How wonderful it was to serve alongside you. I had such a great time... May God bless your ministry. I will be praying for you." ~Greg

"I love your city - such beautiful cultural diversity - so rich! It was a joy to encounter so many different people in conversation! God will establish His work - His church! 'Be still and know that He is God--He will be exalted among the nations'!" ~Christina

"What a blessed trip! Around the world in three days, seeing firsthand what the Lord's heart truly is - to reach the lost. This trip produced growth in boldness, trust, and love for the nations in a new way. What an encouragement to see faithful hearts in our dear family in Edmonton. We pray for continued strength for them. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and love. Overall a beautiful trip blessed by the Lord." ~Christine

Continue in prayer for the seeds sown and watered in the city this week. We got a glimpse of what team mission here in Edmonton can do, and we are still praying for more laborers to join us!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Teamwork, part 2

Dejan and the team labored long and hard at the Heritage Festival over the weekend and had many Gospel encounters with people of a variety of ethnic backgrounds. Thank you for your prayers for this huge event! You can read more details at their church blog.

The next couple of days we are shifting gears a bit, as the festival has ended. Please continue in prayer with us as we go out into the heart of the city to pray and preach the Good News!

We are going to two parts of the city, the grounds for both the city and provincial governments. So the team is headed downtown to walk the streets a bit, tour the city hall, pray and witness on the square. Then we will be off to the legislature grounds for more of the same.

Dejan and a couple of guys from the team plan to meet with a contact we have at the University of Alberta who heads the local Campus Crusade for Christ (called Power to Change here). Then the team will be off for more evangelism in the arts district of Strathcona, and possibly returning downtown.

What is a visit to Edmonton without seeing one of its main destination attractions, West Edmonton Mall? The team will be there for the day with the throngs of shoppers. It will be more of a free day, but this team is unlikely to forgo sharing the Gospel there as well. We plan to end the day with dinner together, followed by worship and prayer for the week.

  • boldness to speak the Gospel, wisdom in individual conversation
  • open minds and hearts to receive the message
  • physical strength and stamina with all the walking and talking
  • safety for all

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Teamwork, part 1

A team of eight brothers and sisters has arrived in Edmonton to spend the week working with us! We are blessed to have visible, tangible love from our home church in the form of these co-laborers!

Last night we met for a meal, fellowship, worship and a time of prayer for the week's events. We have our way planned, but we are seeking the Lord to guide our steps. If you would like to join us in prayer, here is what's ahead for the weekend. 

One of Edmonton's biggest events is this weekend, Heritage Festival. A myriad of cultures will be showcasing their national dress, food, music and dance at the largest park in the city. Through the weekend, over 50,000 are projected to attend. The team is aiming to do the work of evangelism throughout the weekend there.

Time will be split between the festival and our service/Bible study. 

This is a long weekend in Canada, for their Civic holiday, so the festival extends through this evening. The plan is to split the team between the festival and serving with Dejan at the Assisted Living facility where he teaches a weekly Bible study.

  • boldness to preach the Gospel
  • wisdom/sensitivity in conversation
  • receptive hearts and minds
  • safety and physical strength