We truly enjoy living in Edmonton. It is a blessing to serve here and minister the Word of God and the gospel. Recently, we got another snapshot of how in need our adopted city is of solid, Biblical truth. The local atheist group is running ads on the sides of city buses that look like this:
We have seen these buses several times since the ads were put up a few weeks ago. Approximately 25% of Edmontonians consider themselves to be either atheist or non-religious (a couple of Julie's friends are just this sort). There is a significant presence of Christianity in the city as well, but it is not solidly grounded in the Word of God on the whole. As a result of weak understanding of the Bible and its application, many people reject Christianity in favor of non-religious moralism.
Please pray with us for the fruit of the Biblical gospel and for the clear teaching of the Word to increase, including of course, in the church-plant we are devoting ourselves to.
"O my soul, you have said to the LORD, 'You are my Lord; my goodness is nothing apart from You.'" ~Psalm 16:2