Sunday, February 18, 2018

Prayer Request

Hello from the Frozen North!

We have had such a cold, icy winter this year; it has been beautiful to look out the window, but with wind chills of up to -40 degrees, we haven't been outside too much.

Our heart-felt thanks are due to all of you who follow along with our updates and pray for us regularly, as well as those who are continuing to support us financially as we serve here. All together we are a team!! We couldn't be here without the back-up from our senders and prayer warriors.

Currently, we are experiencing some financial strain. We received our January support about 10 days early (it was still December), and then went 50 days before receiving the following month's support, almost 3 weeks longer than usual. That was quite a long stretch, and we have not yet recovered from it, as our February support was 50% less than we have seen fairly consistently since our move here.

Will you please pray for us regarding the LORD's provision? He is doing good things here, and the church is growing, but we still need to feed our growing family! The cost of living in Edmonton is astronomically high compared to Idaho and Montana (where most of our supporters reside), but even with the current exchange rate that favours the U.S. dollar, making things stretch that far is not working.

Thank you for standing with us in faith and for your continued love and encouragement through messages, cards and outreach teams, and of course, prayer.  We can do nothing apart from abiding in the LORD and trusting in Him.

In His love,
Dejan and Julie