Monday, December 5, 2022

Update (delayed): you're definitely going to want to read this one

We appreciate the patience of everyone who has been waiting for news about us. We were in a situation of having to use our phones for internet, and we ran out of data before Thanksgiving, but we're back online now!

This move is not like any other we have done. Most moves are "point A to point B". Not this move. This one has so many moving parts, locations and steps, it has felt like a confusing dance diagram, and it has been challenging not to clumsily fumble around in the process. :)
When we came out of Canada, we were graciously giving a "landing pad" by a family member. All told, we were able to live in that one spot for about 3 months, which was SUCH a blessing! We had a place to come back to when we traveled and didn't have to continually uproot everyone. Not having to pay rent also helped alot, as our house is still on the market in Canada.

For weeks we were in a state of flux, not knowing what our next step would be. Since mid-September to the end of November there was an inkling of direction but no firm light. It was hard. Finally, after many weeks of praying, discussions and waiting, we finally got some clarity last weekend. As a result, we are passing the month of December with our primary sending church in Idaho. The LORD provided help to rent a furnished house for four weeks in town. His kindness astounds us!

Then, going forward, Lord willing we will move to northwest Montana at the beginning of January. Our other sending church is in need of another staff pastor, and they have offered to be a "base" for us--a place for us to be and serve actively in the longer short-term while we seek the Lord for His longer-term direction. Dejan will be employed through the church full-time, and we can stop wandering from house to house so much. We are so grateful for light from the Lord for another step!

Prayer Requests

This of course means we will be moving mid-winter, although the place we will be renting is fully furnished. So logistically we are keeping much of our household items in storage for the next half-year or so. This month we will be attempting to streamline this storage and take out the things that we have learned are true necessities for our household (which we have been without the last several months). This is a daunting task, and we appreciate prayer. We do not want to have to open alot of boxes!

The church in Edmonton is thriving, and for that we praise God. They are still in need of a full-time pastor, so please keep that matter in prayer. The Lord knows who He is calling to pastor the church, and we wait on Him to let us know, too!

For Dejan, we are not fully clear just yet on all of the roles he will be taking on at the church in Montana. Please pray for the elders and pastors there for vision and clarity. We also appreciate prayer for finances, as the cost of living is high there, and we still have expenses in another country, in addition to the rising cost of our current situation. Nothing is impossible with God, and we know He is faithful.

Two items for prayer back in Alberta:

1. Our house is on the market with some offers here and there, but nothing firm yet. We have had three fall through, and are currently negotiating on a fourth.

2. The Canadian tax authority selected us for audit (on our missionary support or our U.S. refund, it is unclear which). They responded last week to our submission of information that they requested, saying that we owe a further large sum, which is in addition to the hefty tax that we already paid when we filed earlier this year. If you recall, we had to get a new accountant, and we thought everything was squared away. We have also never been audited before, so it is a frustrating situation. The calculations page sent to us by the tax authority was unclear, but we have to resolve the issue before Christmas, as there is a due date on it.

We appreciate your prayer for these matters as they are somewhat stressful.

Last, we ask prayer for our children (their health and their hearts, as they are weary of not knowing their future), our marriage (that all the different stressors won't have a negative but strengthening effect), our health and strength (so much moving, lifting, etc. has left us pretty exhausted at times).

Thank you to those who are reading our updates and lifting us up in prayer. You may not know how precious your support and care are to us!!

We wish you a blessed December and will update again in a couple of weeks.

By God's grace, Dejan and Julie <><