God promised the children of Israel that they would enter and possess a land flowing with milk and honey when He brought them out of Egypt. It was an exciting vision that instilled the confidence in them to follow Moses.
However, we know the LORD didn't lead them to their new land by the shortest or quickest route. That route they were not prepared for, as it led right through Philistine territory. Instead, He led them across the Red Sea and into a wilderness. There, He formed them into a family of people, a nation, and gave them a common identity in His law and in worship.
On that route, He allowed them to be tested multiple times before leading them forward to the border of His promised location for them. He went before them in the pillar of cloud and fire, and when He moved, the nation moved with Him. (Yes, they failed the tests, grumbled and then refused to go in, but that's beside our point here).
In a similar way, we know that God has spoken to us about going to Canada, and the vision He shared with us has given us the confidence to step out and follow Him in that direction.
However, things haven't gone as quickly as we would have thought was best, but we trust that His route is the one we need. So we are in a sort of wilderness time, in that, we are on our way, having set in motion many things for leaving our town and this country.
Here, God is testing us and leading us, forming us into a closer family. At present, that pillar of His presence hasn't yet moved north, so we are waiting, living, working and worshiping Him until He does.
So to keep you updated, aside from daily life, here's what we're doing as time is marching on (twiddling our thumbs didn't make the list):
-Julie finished teaching her Kindermusik classes and childbirth classes at the beginning of the month, so she is closing things off for those businesses.

-We are moving along in packing at a leisurely, but thorough pace. The Canadian government requires itemization of all the things we're importing when we come. They have handy forms, but it's a process.
-We are waiting for a response from the U.S. government on a permit Dejan needs before we leave, as well as an appointment time from them for his fingerprints.
-Our 5th wedding anniversary was last week--so we took an evening to celebrate God's faithfulness to us this far and 1,825 days of marriage.
-We are continuing to meet with our pastor and prayer team.
-There are other, minor things we do daily, but we won't bore you with the details.
We are grateful for any and all of your prayers for us during this time, and for the mission ahead!
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