Forgive the long pause since our last update. I was just getting ready to post when we were rear-ended in a car accident. Now I can literally say of my aches and pains that "it feels like I've been hit by a truck"!
November brings many anniversaries for us as a couple, a family, and concerning the Lord's leading in our lives:
1. This month it's Eva's birthday (already)! Time flies when you're having fun!!
2. Then, on the 12th is our anniversary of when the Lord called us together and we started on the path towards marriage; 8 years of awesome friendship!
3. The weekend of the 9th-12th also marks the end of our fourth year of living in the U.S. Yep, we've been here that long. Hard to believe in some ways.
4. And last, but certainly very significant, it was three years ago this month that we sensed the Lord's calling on our lives to church-plant in Edmonton.
To celebrate, we find ourselves sandwiched in between doctor and dentist appointments, two weddings and a birthday party. But, as if that weren't enough excitement, we are also moving! No, we're not headed to Canada just yet, but we are moving north! Recently we learned that we are exceeding the occupancy for our little apartment, so we are moving into a larger one, and it just happened to become available during this next, busy week.
There was quite a bit of back and forth in our minds about moving in town, due to concerns about uprooting our girls too many times in a short period (since the plan is to move to Calgary for several weeks before finally settling in Edmonton once we go out). HOWEVER, the LORD addressed all our concerns in such a sweet way.
First, since we are required to get into a bigger apartment, we couldn't really argue with that being God's will. Second, He has given us great favor with the property manager at our complex, and she is allowing us to move without signing a new lease, which enables us to continue renting month-to-month so that when we are able to move we can do so freely. Third, since we will be in the same complex, the layout is nearly identical to our current apartment, so it's not a huge change for our children.
Fourth (this one is pretty fun), we are looking at this move as a sort of dress rehearsal for our big move into Canada. Like a trial run-practice move, so to speak. We're only going about 500 yards, from one end of the complex to the exact other, but we still have to completely vacate and clean the one we're in right now. So we figure it will give us a fair impression of what we will be facing when we ultimately leave this country.
So that's it. Fun and blessed memories of the Lord's work in our lives and sweet times He has graced us with. A long and growing history together. A crazy international move across the globe, relocating, and the call to a new nation. A precious new life in our family. These are some of our "Ebenezers" (stones of remembrance--1 Samuel 7, esp. v.12), and we're thankful for them. Thanks for letting us share them with you.