So that was an eye-opener. Moving, that is. What alot of work...and what alot of stuff! Not too keen on moving any time soon. Well, not unless we have some major organizing/boxing/packing help from others. It's a snail's pace for the two of us to do alot of things, between Dejan working full-time and Julie keeping track of the girls.
Life is meant to be about people and not possessions, this is probably agreed upon by most people. But, wow. Moving definitely sets things into a whirl. We'll probably just be getting to feel settled when it will be time to box up and go. (It seems we have about 60% of our financial support covered!)
Thanks to those who prayed for the move, who helped with the move-in and move-out process, who prayed for Julie the next day when she fell totally ill (all is well now), and to Grandma for her short-notice taxi, childcare and cooking service on multiple occasions. We are grateful to GOD for every act of thoughtfulness toward our family in these several weeks. He continues to show us He is looking out for us, and we are encouraged by all the love from our brothers and sisters in Christ.
On a more serious note, we are preparing Dejan's application for U.S. citizenship, which can be mailed any time now. He is eligible in early February and can apply up to 90 days in advance (read: November). We hope all will go smoothly and appreciate your prayers for this process.
"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. " 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Praying for you guys! Thanks for the update :) Yeah when you have to pack stuff and you are overwhelmed you get to thinking..uh how necessarily is this or this or this? :) haha! I recently passed on something you told me to a friend whose room was eating her alive."A place for everything and everything in its place" If there is no place for it..Ta ta to the goodwill! You taught me that friend way back when we were trying to live in the tiny CA room at CCBC :)