Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Moving along...but not moving yet

So many things have transpired over the last week that it's hard to know where to start, so we'll just jump in:

Overseas Visit
Dejan had a fruitful visit back home. He spent a very full and busy two weeks in Serbia visiting and helping out his mom, visiting family in the area and catching up with friends from both in and outside the church. During his visit, one relative actually asked Dejan to share more with them about his "faith"! After more than 17 years with the Lord, this was a huge thing for Dejan, as none of his family are saved but him.

Calvary Chapel Subotica, Serbia
It was a great blessing to be able to re-connect with his closest friends and to be able to fellowship at his home church as well. The Lord gave Dejan two teaching opportunities, one Wednesday night and also a Sunday service. The church there is praying for us and the mission to Canada, for which we truly praise and thank God. They are such a blessing.

As you know, Dejan translates Pastor Chuck's sermon series into Serbian. He also has help from Zlata (pictured center, with her husband Aco) who proofreads the transcripts before they are finally uploaded onto the internet for free access through Calvary Chapel's Translation ministry. She is working on one transcript per month, which means that the whole book of John should be finalized by the end of 2012, at which time Dejan can record the audio version of those messages as well.

More Details on the Move
We have been blessed recently with a further increase in support commitments, so the time is drawing nearer for us to depart for the field. Our budget is being reviewed by a Canadian in the ministry, so we hope that the feedback will be that we have estimated correctly. It continues to amaze us how expensive it seems to live in Canada and yet how the Lord is providing steadily the funds for us to go out into His harvest field.

One American missionary we got in contact with has also given us very helpful info regarding our visa situation, and the news was all good! We are currently preparing our paperwork for that end of things.

Lastly, we earnestly desire your prayers for us regarding all the many details surrounding our preparations for going. Logistically there is so much to get and keep in order. We truly need God's help and wisdom both.

Until next post,
Dejan and Julie <><

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