Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Finer Points

So far it is looking like everything is coming together for our move! Our last items of paperwork are in-hand. It is hard to imagine that next week at this time, we are supposed to be totally out of our place here and getting on the road heading north. We are blessed to have significant help from friends and family in loading and hauling.

Explaining to our toddler that we are moving (and that we will see grandparents but only for visits, and we will play with friends from nursery but only a couple more times), caused the reality of this huge change to hover like a heavy cloud of sadness. Going is exciting and a privilege, but it is also a reality that affects each person in our family, even many in our home church. We will miss everyone!!

It is interesting, though, and a comfort, that the LORD prepares us for what is ahead in every way. He can use anything, even the weather! We have to trust that He is going to use this event in the lives of our children for His glory and their good, even as we know He has called us two grown-ups to go into His harvest field. 

Our place is a total mess of boxes, lists and stuff that needs to get into the boxes and onto still more lists. How is it going to be possible to get it all done? Thank God that nothing is impossible with Him, and that even seemingly un-spiritual things like this are not outside of His promise to care for us. "All things" means all things!

With all the logistics of preparing our stuff, it sure will be good to actually get where we're going and get it unpacked and put away, so we can serve in the ministry to people!

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers...

1 comment:

  1. Praise our Lord for His goodness and faithfulness. Yes, truly ALL things are possible with Him. I am excited for you guys.
    Father, please be Dejan and Julie's strength and their Sun and Shield as they are preparing on all levels for this move to take the Good News and make disciples in Canada for Your glory.
    Bless and keep them in Your grace for the glory of our Christ. Amen
    Blessings and love,
